Liberia Development Depends on Food and Nutrition

Liberia’s Development Depends on Food and Nutrition Says Agriculture Minister Dr. Mogana S. Flomo Jr.


The Minister of Agriculture says if Liberia is to develop economically the nation should take into consideration food production – which according to him means taking the mandate of the Government of Liberia to go back to the soil and grow more food – a critical component of the pro-poor agenda.

Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., said poor nutrition in children and pregnant women has many negative consequences for child survival and long-term well-being and, also has far-reaching consequences for our human capital, economic productivity, and national development, emphasizing that consequences of malnutrition should be a significant concern for citizens, international organizations and policy makers.

The Minister of Agriculture spoke when he officially launched the EU-funded project ‘Prosperous Agriculture Roadmap to Nutrition, Entrepreneurship Reinforcing Sustainability (PARTNERS)’. He further reminded his audience about factors such as poor extension services, low technical capacity of agricultural staff and post-harvest challenges for farmers, and limited logistics and equipment for efficiency in delivery of services to field level amongst others as major contributing factors to poor food security and nutrition in Liberia.

PARTNERS’ intervention will spread out in seven of Liberia’s fifteen counties, namely Grand Kru, Sinoe, River Cess, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bomi and Grand Cape Mount, and will address the social, economic and environmental consequences of unsustainable agricultural practices of household and smallholder farmers.