Apply For Grant

Project Beneficiaries
  • 98,000 target Smallholder Farmers of which 30 percent will be women and 35 percent as youth.
  • Agribusinesses and business development enterprises with good business linkages to smallholder farmers in the rice, oil palm, horticulture, cassava, rubber, poultry and piggery value chains.
  • Other value chains that demonstrate commercial viability and integrate smallholder farmers in the intervention areas may be added based on additional funding and negotiations with the Funders
Criteria to benefit
  • Submit applications that promotes climate- smart mitigation technologies.
  • Submit business plans that are expected to create additional jobs for youth and women along the Fund`s prioritized value chains.
  • Applicant should operate in Liberia and be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission of application. The Fund strongly encourages applications from women/women-led businesses as well as youth.
  • Preference would be given to applicants with high demonstration of women and youth participation in sub-projects.
  • Agribusinesses working with smallholder farmers should demonstrate how the proposed project will increase income levels of farmers.
  • Applicants are required to submit audited accounts or financial reviews for all existing projects and, statement of affairs for new/on-going projects.
  • Applicants who have accessed grants from other projects shall be required to demonstrate that there is no duplication of effort/double-dipping in the use of grant funds from different sources.
Application Procedure

Applicants are required to business plan to the Fund Manager (FM) for review. Qualified applicants will be notified to go through the following application procedure


Initiate Application Process

Confirm eligibility and initiate application process

Submit Business Plans

BDSPs assist applicants to develop and submit their business plans

Pre-Screening of Business Plans

PIU screens business plans and submits qualified business plans to fund manager

Due Diligence Assessments

Due Diligence Assessments carried out by Fund Manager

IIC Review

IIC reviews and recommends business plans for FAC approval

FAC Review

FAC reviews and makes final approval on business plans and final approval


Applicants receive feedback on business plan

Pre-Disbursement Compliance

Applicant submits relevant documents to satisfy pre-disbursement conditions


Fund Manager disburses approved grant according to applicant workplan

Monitoring & Evaluation

PIU and Fund Manager carry out monitoring activities
All applications will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. All business evaluators, consultants and staff of the Fund Manager have signed confidentiality agreements that prohibits them from using or divulging any information related to applicants or their ideas. This confidentiality will be in effect even after the project has ended. Only information that has the express authorization from the applicant will be used in any manner beyond evaluation purposes.