Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah signed on behalf of Liberia, while Dr. Simeon Ehul, Director General, IITA signed for the IITA
Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah signed on behalf of Liberia, while Dr. Simeon Ehul, Director General, IITA signed for the IITA

Liberia Signs MOU with IITA at Fertilizer and Soil Health Hub Launch in Nigeria

Ibadan City, Nigeria, June 28, 2024 - At the conclusion of the five-day event to launch the Fertilizer and Soil Health Hub for West Africa and the Sahel, the Government of Liberia, through its Ministry of Agriculture, signed a decisive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The event was held at the IITA headquarters in Ibadan City, Oyo State, Nigeria.

The MOU aims to enhance capacity building for staff at the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) in critical areas such as breeding, agronomy, extension services, food processing for varietal development and trials, value chain development support, and empowering farmers for improved productivity. This agreement marks a key step towards ensuring a sustainable and food-secure future for West Africa and the Sahel.

Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah signed on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia, while Dr. Simeon Ehul, Director General, IITA. The Fertilizer and Soil Health Hub initiative aims to address critical issues related to soil fertility and sustainable agricultural practices in the region. By promoting advanced research, innovation, and the dissemination of best practices, the Hub aspires to enhance food security, increase agricultural productivity, and support the livelihoods of millions of farmers across West Africa and the Sahel.

Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah signed on behalf of Liberia, while Dr. Kenton Dashiell, Deputy Director General for Partnership for Delivery, signed for the IITA
During the five-day event, held from June 24 to June 28, 2024, Dr. Nuetah emphasized the importance of regional cooperation and knowledge sharing in tackling the challenges faced by the agricultural sector. He expressed optimism that the Hub would serve as a catalyst for transformative changes in soil health management and fertilizer use, ultimately contributing to the overall goal of achieving food security and sustainable agricultural development in the region.

Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah led the Liberian delegation, which included Hon. Moses R. Gbanyan, Deputy Minister for Rural Development, Research, and Extension, Mrs. Mercy Lah, Head of Root and Tuber at CARI, Mr. Harris Yanquoi, Head of Natural Resource Management at CARI, and Dr. G. Moses Zolue, Soil Scientist for the Rural Economic Transformation Project (RETRAP) under the MOA.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia, remains committed to supporting initiatives that foster agricultural growth and sustainability. Dr. Nuetah’s participation in this landmark event underscores Liberia’s dedication to collaborating with regional and international partners to advance agricultural innovation and ensure a prosperous future for its farming communities.



Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah signed on behalf of Liberia, while Dr. Kenton Dashiell, Deputy Director General for Partnership for Delivery, signed for the IITA