Minister J. Alexander Nuetah, cutting the ribbon at the opening of the vegetable  booth

Ministry of Agriculture Revitalizes Local Vegetable Booth with World Bank Support

Monrovia, May 27, 2024 - In a heartwarming display of community support and government intervention, the local vegetable booth at Old Road Catholic Junction has undergone a stunning transformation, thanks to the efforts of Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah.

Funded by the World Bank through the Rural Economic Transformation Project under the Ministry of Agriculture, this initiative is set to bring about significant changes. Besides rehabilitating four other vegetable booths in Monrovia and its environs, the project aims to empower vegetable sellers by providing them with the necessary tools to price their produce accurately, thereby enhancing their economic prospects.

Speaking at the handover ceremony on Monday, May 27, 2024, Dr. Nuetah, who has firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by vegetable sellers, shared his motivation for the project. “I stopped by one day and saw the women selling vegetables and watermelons. They would lift one watermelon after the other, trying to weigh the fruits to determine the price,” the Agriculture Minister explained, highlighting his direct involvement in the initiative.

Dr. Nuetah emphasized the introduction of a standardized agricultural commodity market, with scales used to cost produce. “Our primary goal is to empower every woman, equipping her with the tools to calculate her income accurately from the sales of her produce. We want to ensure that every woman selling in major markets across the country has a scale – a scale with which you can measure the rice and not with cups.” This initiative aims to not only introduce scales but also empower women in the community.

The Minister also encouraged the beneficiaries to make maximum use of the scales and to bring quality vegetables grown in Liberia to market, ensuring their businesses thrive. He announced plans to expand vegetable production in the country as part of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s vision to improve the agricultural sector, a top priority. “The President wants us to grow what we eat. Those in other countries have the same soil as us. Why should we import fruits and vegetables from there?” Dr. Nuetah remarked.

In response, the head of the Vegetables Sellers Association, Mr. Sumo Mulbah, praised the initiative as a significant boost and appealed to the Agriculture Minister to consider replicating it in other parts of the country. This call for replication underscores the potential for this project to serve as a model for agricultural and community development in other areas. “We are so happy and appreciative to the Ministry of Agriculture and to you Minister Nuetah in particular for your vision to better agriculture in Liberia” he concluded.