Short Certificate Courses on Climate Change and Adaptation Now Available at Cuttington University with Support from the Ministry of Agriculture
On October 13 and 14, 2015, the Academic Standing Committee and Faculty Senate of the Cuttington University approved and adopted two short certificate courses on climate change and adaptation. The administration of the courses will commence during the next semester which starts November 2015. The modules for the short courses developed with support of the Ministry of Agriculture through its Climate Change Adaptation Agriculture Project (CCAAP), funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP. Technical support to the development of the modules was provided through the MOA by the Center for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA), University of Pretoria, South Africa, the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF), University of Liberia and the College of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (CASD), Cuttington University. This is part of the MOA’s program to develop capacity for climate change management thereby ensuring food security. The expected output is climate change and adaptation learning and research will be mainstreamed into the academic program of tertiary academic institutions in Liberia. The short course program was developed for the Universities of Liberia the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF), and the College of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (CASD), Cuttington University. The targeted beneficiaries include tertiary level students and professional people.
On the other hand, these courses will serve as an entry point for future studies and career development in climate change and adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry, etc. and are not part of the regular academic curriculum.