Agriculture Ministry Reaffirms Commitment to Supporting Agriculture Actors

                                                                               P R E S S   R E L E A S E 

Monrovia, Liberia, June 21, 2024 — The Ministry of Agriculture of Liberia wishes to reassure the public that it remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting actors in the agriculture value chains by providing matching grants, a vital lifeline to farmers. These grants, funded by the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and administered under the Liberia Agriculture Commercialization Fund (LACF) through the Smallholder Agriculture Transformation and Agribusiness Revitalization Project (STAR-P) and the Rural Economic Transformation Project (RETRAP), play a crucial role in providing financial and technical assistance to enhance agricultural productivity across Liberia.

Contrary to recent speculations, the Ministry of Agriculture reaffirms that the provision of these matching grants, meant to promote agribusinesses and smallholder-farmer linkages along prioritized agricultural value chains, has not ceased. "We are fully committed to supporting our farmers and ensuring they receive the necessary assistance to enhance their productivity and livelihoods," reiterated Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah, Minister of Agriculture, underlining the Ministry's unwavering commitment to the farmers.

As the Ministry of Agriculture continues to advance agricultural development and ensure food security in Liberia, it reiterates its commitment to transparency and efficiency in its support mechanisms. The Ministry encourages all actors in the agriculture value chain to continue submitting their business plans for consideration under the LACF program, as these plans are instrumental in accessing the financial resources needed to improve agricultural practices and livelihoods in communities nationwide. It anticipates that all pending plans will be reviewed and approved by the last quarter of this month.

Under the LACF arrangement, over US$15 million has been disbursed as matching grants to about 41,500 beneficiaries, most of whom are women, youth, and persons with disabilities. This program has enhanced productivity and competitiveness and created sustainable jobs for women and youth, showcasing the tangible impact of the financed value chains.

For further details on agricultural initiatives, please visit the Ministry of Agriculture's official website:

For media inquiries, contact:

Comfort Whitfield
Communication Division 
Ministry of Agriculture
Mobile: 0770477454/0886579859