Deputy Minister Akoi Inspects Progress at Fuamah District Multi-Purpose Farmers’ Cooperative
Deputy Minister Akoi Inspects Progress at Fuamah District Multi-Purpose Farmers’ Cooperative

Deputy Minister Akoi Inspects Progress at Fuamah District Multi-Purpose Farmers’ Cooperative

In a significant step towards bolstering agricultural sustainability and food security, Deputy Minister for Planning and Development at the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), David K. Akoi, undertook a comprehensive inspection of maize and rice production sites in Fuamah District, Bong Mines. This visit, conducted on April 27, 2024, marks a critical moment in the government's commitment to practical agriculture.

The groundwork for this endeavor was laid on March 16, 2024, when Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah, alongside officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, inaugurated the Fuamah District Multi-Purpose Farmers’ Cooperative in Bong Mines, Bong County. This cooperative - a testament to the government's dedication to sustainable food security, was established with the promise of technical support from MOA to develop one thousand hectares for rice and maize production.

Deputy Minister Akoi's inspection aimed to assess the progress and pace of the ongoing land preparation efforts. His visit underscored the MOA's commitment to fulfilling Dr. Nuetah's pledge to the cooperative. Expressing enthusiasm and confidence, Deputy Minister Akoi affirmed that tangible strides were being made towards realizing the cooperative's objectives.

In line with its commitment to modernizing farming practices, the MOA had previously provided the cooperative with a suite of modern farming equipment and implements. These resources are intended to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of cultivation activities, ensuring optimal yields. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of technical expertise, MOA deployed four field staff members to provide continuous support and guidance to the cooperative members.

Deputy Minister Akoi's visit not only served to monitor progress but also to reaffirm the government's unwavering support for agricultural development initiatives across the nation. By fostering partnerships with local cooperatives and empowering them with resources and expertise, the government aims to transform the agricultural landscape, thereby bolstering food productivity and ensuring long-term food security.

The efforts undertaken in Fuamah District epitomize the collaborative spirit between the government and grassroots agricultural communities, highlighting a shared commitment to improving farming practices, enhancing food productivity, and ultimately safeguarding the nation's food security.

#ImprovingFarming #EnhancingFoodProductivity #EnsuringFoodSecurity