Government of Liberia Launches Liberia Comprehensive Food Security and Nutrition Survey
[Monrovia, Liberia – September 13, 2024] – The Government of Liberia, through the Ministries of Agriculture and Health, has officially launched the Liberia Comprehensive Food Security and Nutrition Survey, a significant step in addressing the country’s food security and nutrition challenges. This crucial nationwide initiative, which will be conducted in collaboration with the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS), aims to gather real-time data to guide national development and policy-making.
Launching the event, Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah underscored the urgent need to address the critical state of child malnutrition in Liberia, citing 2021 Global Nutrition data that shows 29% of children under five are severely malnourished. Dr. Nuetah also referenced the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification - IPC 2023 report, which indicates critical food insecurity in several parts of the country due to rising food costs and limited access to nutritious food.
Dr. Nuetah acknowledged the government's unwavering efforts in addressing the food and security needs of its people over the years despite setbacks from the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and COVID-19. He stressed the crucial role of the Ministry of Agriculture amid significant challenges. "The agriculture sector is still driven by subsistence farming and characterized by low productivity," he pointed out. Dr. Nuetah also highlighted poor road infrastructure limiting farmers' market access, widespread poverty, and insufficient access to food and healthcare.
Dr. Nuetah emphasized the need for improved planning and targeted strategies to enhance food security and nutrition, highlighting the critical role of accurate data.” This survey will provide us all – both government and development partners - with the right indicators we will use for future planning and policy-making. To set precise targets, we need real-time data," he stated
The Liberia Comprehensive Food Security and Nutrition Survey, funded by the government and development partners, is scheduled for October to December 2024. It will provide up-to-date information essential for effective national planning, underscoring its importance in shaping the future of food security and nutrition in Liberia.
The survey, last conducted in 2018, is poised to be instrumental in shaping future strategies to combat food insecurity and improve nutrition throughout the country.