Liberia Charts New Agricultural Pathway in Landmark Meeting with AfDB
Kampala, Uganda – January 9, 2025: Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah held a high-level meeting with African Development Bank (AfDB) officials at the Speke Hotel in Muyoyo, Kampala, Uganda. The meeting, which took place on the margins of the CAADP meeting, focused on outlining Liberia’s vision for agricultural transformation and identifying strategic areas for collaboration.
Dr. Nuetah expressed his gratitude to Dr. Martin Fregene, AfDB’s Director of Agriculture and Agro-Industry, for the opportunity to present his vision. He underscored Liberia's pressing needs, particularly its dependence on imported rice, which accounts for 70% of domestic consumption. Despite this reliance, Liberia boasts of over 600,000 hectares of unused fertile irrigable land and 17 major rivers, ideal for irrigation and production expansion.
A Vision for Agricultural Transformation
In his detailed presentation, Dr. Nuetah outlined a bold and comprehensive strategy for Liberia’s agricultural sector. Central to his plan is developing 50,000 hectares of lowland rice fields over the next five years to reduce imports and achieve self-sufficiency. He emphasized the potential to reverse Liberia’s import dependency and position the country as a net rice exporter.
Cassava production was also featured in the Minister’s strategy, with plans to cultivate 20,000 hectares through smallholder farming clusters. He noted that these efforts would create income-generating opportunities, particularly for women and youth, with plans to attract investors to process cassava into starch.
Dr. Nuetah further unveiled plans to increase maize and soybean production to support the poultry and piggery industries. The initiative involves linking smallholder farmers with feed processors, strengthening value chains, and promoting economic inclusion.
Expanding tree crop production, including cocoa, coffee, and fruits, was also highlighted to boost rural incomes and economic diversification. To address financing gaps, Dr. Nuetah detailed progress on establishing the Agriculture Enterprise Development Bank (AEDB), a public-private partnership, which had already secured $4 million in government funding for 2025.
The Minister also highlighted the need to build the technical capacity of farmers, agronomists, and researchers and support demonstration farms to improve agricultural practices.
Progress and Momentum
Reflecting on achievements under the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP), Dr. Nuetah highlighted the development of over 4,000 hectares of lowland for rice and 800 hectares for cassava in 2024. He emphasized that these efforts represent only the beginning of Liberia’s agricultural transformation journey.
AfDB’s Commitment to Liberia
Dr. Fregene praised Minister Nuetah’s vision and reaffirmed AfDB’s commitment to supporting Liberia’s agricultural priorities. He announced that the Bank was exploring $40 - 50 million in financing under the Regional West Africa Rice Development (REWARD) program to strengthen Liberia’s rice value chain.
Additionally, he mentioned that AfDB is considering supporting a poultry value chain project that integrates maize and soybean production with feed processing. The Bank also pledged to assist smallholder farmers through capacity building, aggregation systems, and market access initiatives.
Dr. Fregene further encouraged Liberia to explore funding opportunities with other development partners, such as KfW, a German bank that provides grants for agricultural development.
Next Steps to Access AfDB Funding
To access AfDB funding, Finance Minister Augustine Ngafuan was recommended to submit a formal request to the Bank Office to include agriculture in Liberia’s allocation under the REWARD program, increasing the country’s chances of benefiting from the financial support. Liberia was also encouraged to solicit grant support for poultry value chain development modeled on successful programs in Ghana.
Looking Forward
Meanwhile, the AfDB extended to Minister Nuetah to attend its upcoming conference in April 2025 to continue discussions on advancing Liberia’s agricultural agenda
A Promising Path Forward
The meeting concluded with optimism and a shared commitment to transforming Liberia’s agricultural sector. With the AfDB’s support and strategic leadership from the Ministry of Agriculture, Liberia is poised to harness its vast agricultural potential, ensure food security, and drive economic growth for its citizens.